Friday, 16 December 2011

Energy efficiency measures

Energy efficiency measures

Broad concerns were refined, grouped and assigned to members of the company’s Energy & Carbon Task Force, established in March 2008, and comprising a cross-functional team of representatives from corporate departments. Session 2: Role of Public Sector Financing • Mr. Tony Wood (Director of Clean Energy Program, Clinton Climate Foundation): suggested that while there are no insurmountable technological, legal, institutional, regulatory or other barriers that prevent CCS from playing a role in reducing GHG emissions, early CCS projects face economic challenges related to climate policy uncertainty, first-of-a-kind technology risks and the current high cost of CCS relative to other technologies. He argued that the IGCC/CCS will be a potential solution to address both high energy penalty and cost issues.

Hence, CCS should get an appropriate policy support like other CO2 mitigation energy technologies such as wind and solar power. Organizations establish an inventory of their greenhouse gas emissions to pinpoint energy saving opportunities that have the potential to reduce both emissions and costs. They are reluctant to finance CCS projects due to their low per capita emissions, total GHG emissions from the energy sector, and low land and water availability.The existing CCS technologies would not be acceptable in developing countries, because they should face with high energy penalty (7-15%) and cost ($20-60/tCO2). He strongly argued that more research and innovations are needed in the CCS technologies to bring down the cost and energy penalty. If the predicted reductions do not materialise in the coming years, our target will be unreachable without additional energy efficiency measures.

Moreover, uncertainties on international climate change agreement, lack of committed national CCS policy on the national energy portfolio, and lack of funding mechanism for CCS deployment are key barriers to CCS financing. Session 4: Open Forum and Conclusion • According to Mr. Tony Wood, developing countries being more in favor of renewable energy over CCS. Furthermore, CCS has generally poor reputation compared to other low emission technologies. Changes to carbon accounting rules in the UK affect whether or not we can include different carbon mitigation such as green energy purchase and the treatment of self-generated renewable energy.

Mr. Sanjeev Mahajan (Deputy General Manager, NTPC, Limited, India): introduced some challenges especially ongoing power shortages, priority on energy efficiency and renewable energy, weak understanding on the potential storage sites, and costs of CCS in India. ICF International (NASDAQ:ICFI) partners with government and commercial clients to deliver professional services and technology solutions in the energy, environment and transportation; health, education, and social programs; and homeland security and defense markets. While the shift in influence to the emerging economies is a pretty safe bet, 40 years is a long time in which to rule out conflict, famine, food, energy and natural resource shortages.At present we are measuring our progress towards achieving carbon neutrality by looking at the group’s GWP. Total GWP is based on our direct and indirect energy usage and CO 2 equivalence (i.e. greenhouse gas Scope 1 and 2 emissions defined under the Kyoto Protocol) which provide a strong platform for monitoring the impacts associated with energy use in our operations. The investment of IGCC/CCS (when capacity higher than 40GW) can be competitive with PC/CCS; CO2 avoided cost in IGCC/CCS will be lower than that in PC/CCS. With lower energy penalty compared to that of PC/CCS, IGCC/CCS may save millions of tons of coal, which will lead to the dominating CCS technology of China in the future. New EPRI research offers a current snapshot of the storage landscape and an analytical framework for estimating the benefits of applications and the life-cycle costs of energy storage systems. Since the current climate change is scientifically linked to the use of fossil fuels, climate change strategy encompasses planning & implementing of a strategy for reduce energy use and costs and shift to renewable energy sources.

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